The Axis Residential Strata insurance policy is rich in features and benefits and will help brokers provide quality insurance solutions for registered Residential Strata properties. The product provides broad cover and caters for a wide range of risks.
As with all Axis products the Residential Strata product is only available through brokers.
Some of the features and benefits of our Residential Strata policy wording are:
Buildings (including Common Area Contents)
- Insured against accidental damage
- 15% of the building sum insured for loss of rent and temporary accommodation costs is automatically included
- Catastrophe protection option – up to 30%
Public or Legal Liability
- Legal Liability for personal injury and property damage up to $20,000,000
Personal Accident
- Voluntary workers – death and loss of earning
Fidelity Guarantee
- Fraudulent misappropriation of funds
- External auditor fees up to $5,000
Machinery Breakdown
- Accidental breakdown cover – as per sum insured
Office Bearers Legal Liability
- Legal liability of Office Bearers
- Defence costs
Government Audit Costs & Legal Expenses
- Health and Safety Appeals
- Government Audit
- Legal Defence costs